
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Proper Gun Use

Lee Lofland over at Graveyard Shift has an amazing, thought provoking post up right now called "Shoot to wound?  No way!"

I suggest y'all head over to his place and read what he's got to say and remember what I tell my children and my shooting friends:  "Pulling a gun is not a threat - it's a promise that you are willing and able to take another's life."  The bill that has been introduced expecting Police Officers to shoot to wound is absolutely absurd.  You shoot to neutralize the threat and if neutralizing the threat means that the bad guy dies, then that's just a natural consequence of their behavior.


  1. Reminds me of what I was taught when I was taking martial arts. Once we got past a certain belt level, the black belt sat us down and explained the concept of disarm, disable, destroy. Also known as hurt, maim and kill. Basically, the idea is that, if you ever happen to come across your attacker again, he would rather avoid you than try for a rematch and is incapable of doing you any further harm.

  2. If I have to pull my gun to defend myself or my family, it will NOT be "to wound" our attacker.

    Every single day, I hope none of us ever has to use our guns and training in that manner. But at least we have the training and the ability.

  3. Shooting to wound (in most situations) makes about as much sense as wiping before you poop....

    In the first place if you find yourself in a situation that calls for the need to pull a piece, your life (or the life of another)is in eminent danger....

    That being stated, you shouldn't shoot someone in the toe, or anywhere else for that matter and leave them as a future threat.

    It is so sad and depressing when you hear that the victim is dead or devastated for life, and the perp. walks

    REALLY..... there out to be a law!!!!

  4. P.S. I was being sarcastic about the law statement.....

    I firmly believe in the second amendment.....

    IT IS OUR RIGHT!!!!!

    sorry I will get off the soap box now.

  5. When teaching CQB I ALWAYS teach that you shoot to STOP the threat. I do not tell people to kill or injure. Simply shoot center of mass until the threat stops. Anything else is asking to the attacker or in prison.
