
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One Simple Truth

A crappy day at the range is still better than a bad day anywhere else.

Center Mass folks, and keep clear of the trigger until you are ready to kill it.


  1. I so need me a day at the range. GD II (aka Glenna/Tara)is in Europe this month so I don't get to go shooting on her membership and I'm too cheap to buy my own.

    But I really, really need some gun powder therapy and soon.

  2. We'll teleport you here so we can play on the range at Dear Husband's work ;)

  3. when you get that teleporting thingy down, I'd like to come down and smell the gun powder!!!!

    And GunDiva, I really have no excuse, a closet full of ammo, and a back yard that opens up to miles of timber land I don't really need a range....

    I just need to get out and do it...maybe you could prod Rach into going out with me, she does like to shoot we just don't seem to have the time with Itty bit around.

  4. Be happy to zap you and Rach down Mr Daddy, and your sweet little dude too! The range is sweeeeeet.....
