
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sad Day. Happy Day.

Sad Day.

Someone didn't claim their SHOT Show swag.

Happy Day.

Someone else won the swag. 

And the NEW winner is...

Please email me ( with your snail mail address; your swag is all packed and ready to go in the mail.For the rest of the winners - your presents will go out in the mail tomorrow.  I have to tell you, I'm very jealous of whoever won the RSR bag.  If I'd looked at it closely before, it may not have made the give-away pile.  For Pete's sake, it's got a water bottle holder.  Why, oh, why didn't I look at it more closely when I picked it up?  I might have been tempted to pick up more than one of them.

I hope you all enjoy your goodies and find use for them.


  1. Oh goodie, I am so excited can't wait to get mine and thank you again!

  2. Thanks!! I am excited to get my swag!! I sent you two emails, I got the PO box wrong in the first one.

    I made the mistake of picking up a gun at Wholesale Sports! Sheesh it gave me the wants!!! LOL
    It is a Ruger revolver, I dont remember the model, but it is sweet!!!! composite frame and nice grip!!! a .38, it just felt good!!! LOL but alas it is $400. !!! so it did not come home with me.

  3. congrats to the winners....

    every one could use a little swag in their life.... LOL

  4. I got the RSR Bag. I noticed the holder right away and am already using the bag. Thanks again!
