
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Colorado is getting one heck of a Christmas present according to my friend, Southern Belle.  She emailed me a couple of weeks ago about a new range that's going to be opeining up.  So, like I did to Daddy Hawk, I gave her an official "GunDiva Assignment".

Without further ado, here are Southern Belle's thoughts on the new range.

“Come on let’s go to the gun show.”  My husband was standing over me.  I looked up at him with total exasperation, “I can’t.”   I was in the middle of four projects and as a wife and mom the time to get things done is few and far between.  Don’t get me wrong, throw the word gun into any activity and I’m always going to be down for it.  I gave my husband about ten different reasons why I couldn’t go but he wanted out of the house for a little bit.  I set everything aside and we headed out to The Ranch.  Same ole,  same ole was what I kept thinking as we walked around, but it was time together away from the kids and the house.   Then I saw a banner on the back wall about a NEW World Class Range. 

Grabbing my husband we immediately went over to investigate.  I need to say, I love my range time.  I hate that the only gun club that had openings when we moved here wasn’t exactly close or convenient to the house.  Hey you do what you have to do, right? 

Walking up to the table we were greeted by Ron and Bob from Second Amendment Firearms Experience (S.A.F.E).  In talking to them we found out that in the very near future (summer 2013) they are opening a gun range that is unlike anything I have seen.  (I need to add here that they talked to my husband and I equally.  There is nothing that upsets me more than men who talk down to me just because I am a woman in the world of firearms.  Especially since I’ve had a gun in my hand since I was five.)  

The more we talked the more I wanted to hear.  This was going to be a fully covered range that can be used year round.  “Indoor?”  I asked Bob.  “No, it’s outdoor with a cover” was his response.  He pulled up their website so that I could get a better handle on what we were talking about.  This thing is going to be massive, seven complete shooting bays with more than 80 shooting positions.  All of it outside completely bermed, but with the cover they will be shielded from the elements.   It is going to be 65,000 sq. ft. with short 15-25 yard bays all the way up to 50 yards.  They are talking about the ability to run over 150 shooters at a time with a variety of target types (stationary and moving).   There will be 25-100 yard uncovered outdoor bays with longer ones in the works.  This facility will serve both Law Enforcement as well as the public.  I asked Ron if we were looking at having times blocked out that the public couldn’t shoot due to possible law enforcement trainings.  His answer blew me away, “No, we are going to set up two of everything so that our members won’t have to work around blackouts.”  Are you kidding me?  I was pumped.

Then Bob and Ron started speaking my language.  A 6,000 sq ft club house, with classes, and a Law Enforcement Training Simulator that runs over 700 different scenarios.  Classes, camps for kids, then throw in the FFL dealer operation, pro shop, gunsmith, and coffee bar.  It’s a country club for gun owners!  I was doing the happy dance.  (I wish I could say figuratively here….it wasn’t pretty)

After going home and checking out their website we pre-registered for a family membership.  I did the math; we would come out way ahead on money and time by going to the S.A.F.E. range verses our current one.  Pre-registering doesn’t obligate us, and there was no money down so why not?  This is going to be a place where men, women, youth, beginners to advanced can come together to train and develop safe and effective skills.  If this turns out even half as good as it looks then we are looking at something pretty special.  If you have questions I would encourage you to drop them an email.  I hope to see y’all at the range!


  1. Colorado is so cool. Here we get to shoot at old refridgerators and beer bottles in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and you get to smoke dope, too. :)

  2. Wow. Looks like they put a lot of thought into the planning of this range. Sounds like an incredible facility! I hope the gun grabbers and lunatics take a break long enough for it to be built. (I love the vehicles in the "conceptual design" image. Who do they think we are anyway? I drive a Volvo, not a hum vee. ;))

  3. Wonderful!!!

    It's promising that such places are still evolving, with the support of the gun community.

    Bless you and Merry Christmas!
