
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Review: Right Now Range

While we were at Industry Days at SHOT Show, we got to handle a portable range system called the Right Now Range.  The founder/designer and I had been in contact before the show and I was looking forward to seeing it with my own two eyes.  Once I got to handle it, I fell in love.  It's such a simple, yet beautiful design that I'm kicking myself for not coming up with it on my own.

She offered to send us a sample to try out and there was no way I was going to say no to that offer!  It arrived shortly after we got home, but we had to wait for a decent weather day to test it out.  (I'm old, I don't shoot in the cold and snow unless I have to anymore.)  Finally, late March came around and it was nice enough to spend some time outdoors.

The Right Now Range sets up quickly; under five minutes even if you have no idea what you're doing. It is a whole lot lighter and takes up less space than my wooden target stands. Plus, it's completely reusable and recyclable.

It was breezy, but not windy, the day we went out, and the provided stakes did a good job of keeping the target stand in place.  I'm not sure how well it would stand up to Wyoming "breezes", but it did well on the Northern Colorado plains.

I was feeling under the weather, so Jay and Mez took it upon themselves to try to destroy it.  I shot a few rounds at it and loved it, but they really went to town on it.  Jay shot it with 12 ga slugs and 12 ga Multiple Impact Bullets.  Truth be told, it held up well enough that we could have saved it and used it again just by stapling targets over the holes they put in it.

I love the Right Now Range so much that I'm willing to give one away.  The contest will open on June 15th and run until 12:00 am on June 22nd, so be sure to enter soon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That is cool and handy dandy. Would loved one in Wyoming. Good news is I could use one in Indiana as well! LOL. Nice wind static noise in the background. Did I mention we have no wind here. If we do, it is a tornado. *shudder* I WANT TO WIN!

  2. By the way, can I have GunDude Mez as my range wife? He puts the targets together quite well.
