
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Try before you buy! Enter Vulcan Circle!

We at The GunDivas always believe in the try before you buy philosophy when it comes to firearms and firearm accessories.  You are spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars on your equipment, so you want to get the right equipment the first time. 
This is not always easy.  Not all gun ranges have rentals.  Or they may not have the exact model you want to try out.  And trying out accessories is even worse.  Your only experience with accessories, such as optics, is limited to handling the product in the retail shop, if your local shop has the model you want to try.  Your only other option is opinions you find on the Internet.  Personally, I find most Internet reviews sketchy at best.  You find some people who love the product, others who hate it.  Who do you believe?

Well, the good news is, the industry is starting to come around and help out consumers, at least in the optics department. 

Enter VulcanCircle.  A paid membership service that allows you to borrow an optic for 3 months.  This allows you to mount the optic to your rifle and take it for a real test drive in real world conditions.  Truly test out the optic as it is meant to be used.
Looking for a new 3-gun optic?  Check one out and take it to competition for 3 months and see how it performs.  If you don’t like it, return the optic by the due date and check out something else. 
Want to compare different red dot sights?  Now you can try before you buy. 

Some may balk at the cost.  I ask, what is more expensive, a few hundred dollars in subscription fees?  Or purchasing an optic that you does not meet your needs?  That you end up being stuck with or sell at a loss. 

Now other than their existence, we at The GunDivas have not tried VulcanCircle.  We just found out about them ourselves. 
If we decide to obtain a subscription ourselves, we will do a follow up article at a later date.

It is good to see the gun industry starting to provide better customer service to the gun community. 
I personally hope the rest of the industry follows suit with the same or similar trial programs and helps customers find and buy the right products for them. 

By: Mez

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