Yesterday, Women firearms instructors shared a link on Facebook via Rob Pincus. Though I'm not friends with Rob, I have utmost respect for both Women firearms instructors and Rob. I'm absolutely certain they posted the article from as an "Oh My God, who would do this?" thing, because that's exactly how I took it.
The article has since been removed from, so I'll have to summarize it from memory rather than directing you to the article.
Basically, the article suggested that one way to re-holster a striker-fired gun without an external safety was by using the Babineaux Method. This "method" instructs the shooter to lay his/her finger along the frame, drag it back to the place that would be opposite of the magazine release and then insert their finger into the trigger guard behind the trigger to prevent rearward movement of the trigger. The thought being that the shooter's finger is a physical block so that there's absolutely no way the trigger can move.
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From Google Images |
I don't know about you, but this scares the hell out of me. The old firearms "law" that the fingers must be out of the trigger guard until ready to fire is a "law" for a reason. Fingers never venture into the trigger guard for any reason unless you're willing to destroy what's in front of the muzzle.
I've never really thought of safe holstering/unholstering as an advanced skill. Yes, it's a skill, but it is a skill that every shooter should have and be proficient at. And if you're concerned that your holster will "drag" on your trigger, thus causing an ND, then maybe you should re-think your choice of holster.
I am appalled that this is being passed off as a safe practice for holstering a gun. All it takes is someone to get in a hurry trying to get their finger behind the trigger guard and Bang!. It's really not if it's going to happen, it's when. It's only a matter of time before someone shoots themself.
Especially if you carry in what I like to call the "pecker wrecker" method like this guy...
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From Google Images |
There is no reason what so ever to do this. It sounds like some Joe Blow is just trying to coin a phrase and procedure to 'be cool'. There is no award for putting your gun back into the holster as fast as you can so simply looking your gun into the holster is an easy slow motion will prevent any (and I say this with sarcasm)'accidental' firing.
ReplyDeleteJust my opinion though! :)
Nope!! I agree with you!!
ReplyDeleteMine has a really long trigger pull that is pretty hard, I have strong hands so it isnt a problem for me.
You hit it on the head with your comment about his Holster. So many holsters fail, and the on in this pic is going to be no different. The plastic clip and the thin leather, or nylon is going to close up like a soft taco as soon as the gun is removed. the lack of a quality holster is necessitating a bad practice.
ReplyDeleteFurther, you were spot on with your finger in the trigger guard comment and everyone that reads here should agree with you. Finger goes to trigger, or guard, only when you are on target.
Agreed - bad idea.
I'll be sticking to the old way. I'm in complete agreement with you it just looks and sounds way to dangerous. We don't need accidents happening so why change something that works perfectly fine with something that is to iffy. No No!
ReplyDeleteI first saw this on the CTD blog a day or so ago, and my initial impression was something along the lines of "that's interesting." And then the monkey poo started flying. I can't recall the last time something was so quickly and universally bashed. Upon studied reflection, this is a solution without a problem. If you follow the four rules and you don't try to act like some high speed, low drag tacticool mall ninja, the danger of an ND happening while reholstering is exactly zero.
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking at your gun and your holster while reholstering (which I would argue should be rule 5), you will or at least should notice if something is making its way into the trigger guard potentially causing traumatic impotence due to lead poisoning of the nether regions. End of story.
So sayeth we all. Amen.
As they would say on Monty Python. Run Away! Run Away!!!
ReplyDeleteI read the link to CTD and kind of blew it off, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I *had* to write about it, lest some newer shooter think it's actually a good idea.
ReplyDeleteGives me the fear shivers just thinking about it.
Brigid - I bet I can run away faster than you can :)
Holy moly! The "old" method works great. No finger on or near the trigger, it wont go bang. I like it!
ReplyDeleteYeeeaaahhhh,.... ummmm..
Why? Because there are too many people out there who knowitallitis and who WILL NOT slow up and check that their finger is rearward and not on the trigger. Worried about your holster catching the trigger? THEN GET A DECENT HOLSTER. Oh... worried that a good holster is too expensive? Well, lets see... how much is a hospital stay and possible surgery, OR worst case, how much does a funeral cost? Seems to me a good holster and being SAFE is a much less expensive option there.
Why in the Hell would you carry a gun on the "Pecker Wrecker" position? Really, explain how this person would draw his weapon while sitting down at a table or car? Just like you posted, the finger does not go on the trigger unless you are ready to fire and willing to destroy what you are aiming at.