Monday, April 29, 2013

If You Have Children... need to read this.

And then you need to share it with your non-gunny friends.  No, it's not about how scary guns are around kids, it's about teaching your children about safety.  Gunny or no gunny, we all want to protect our kids; that's our commonality.


Home on the Range said...

Great advice. Another I always teach is do NOT answer the door, even if Mommy and/or Daddy are home.

An open door is an entryway for a home invasion. It only takes a few seconds.

RabidAlien said...

Excellent article. Now....anyone got any advice (wife already nixed my "duct tape" idea) on how to get an overly headstrong, rambunctious child to actually LISTEN to said advice?

GunDiva said...

Make it a game? I got better buy in from my kids if it was a contest.

RabidAlien said...

May have to give that a try. I'm still leaning towards "duct tape", though.